Sunday, October 30, 2011

Single Catholic

I look around and I am surrounded by couples. I love seeing my friends happy and in love. I love getting to know some of the wonderful guys they have chosen. That being said I am relationship challenged. I am kind of a shy person and I really relate better to women. I have not had many relationships. I am secretly terrified that I won't be able to find a guy that shares my beliefs. Not only that, but the pressure to have sex at my age (21) is ginormous. Then when you do meet a guy do you bring up religion on the first date? What about that sex thing? What are his expectations? Where am I even going to meet this guy? In my head I think I know what I want and need in a man, but really I have no clue. Maybe I just think about it too much and psych myself out. Anyway, I found this prayer and I thought I would share it. 

I do not know what to ask you.
You alone know my real needs,
and you love me more
than I even know how to love.
Enable me to discern my true needs
which are hidden from me.

I ask for neither cross nor consolation;
I wait in patience for you.

My heart is open to you. 
For your great mercy's sake,
come to me and help me.

Put your mark on me and heal me,
cast me down and raise me up.

Silently I adore your holy will
and your inscrutable ways.

I offer myself in sacrifice to you
and put all my trust in you.

I desire only to do your will.
Teach me how to pray
and pray in me, yourself.
--Vasily Drosdov Philaret, c. 1780 - 1867

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


 I meant to blog on Sunday, then I mean to write yesterday and well you know how it goes. So now on to my story:

Months ago I made up these note cards with quotes. I wanted a little inspiration. I meant to put them up around my bedroom and around the bathroom so I would see them as I was getting ready. Long story short, the cards never got put up. They just sat in a stack on a shelf. Yesterday the stack got knocked over. I just pick them up and put the stack back on the shelf. The note card on top said "Love thy neighbor as thy self."

Where did I hear that recently?

Wasn't that the Gospel this week?

Sometimes I feel lost, like I can't hear what God is trying to tell me. Other times, like now, I feel like God is smacking me in the face with the answers to my prayers. I haven't been very happy recently. I have just been going through some tough times. I have been asking God for help, for answers, for .... anything. What better way to make myself happy that to make others happy?

This is how I know the God is amazing and omniscient. He knows our prayers before we even ask and he put the answers in out life. I see this happening in my life and my friends' lives all the time. It is crazy awesome how having faith is ... just ... so... everything. I can't even explain how happy and special I feel when I can hear God. I mean I know he is always around, but to be actually talking to Him and have Him talk back. Just WOW!

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Beginning

Hi. This blog is for me to share my thoughts, knowledge and prayers. I love the Trinity, but sometimes I am so busy and caught up in my own life and plans that I forget to give the three blessed persons time. I am not perfect (far from it). You should not live your life by my words. Why write a blog people shouldn't follow? Because this is for me. I need the Trinity to be important in my life. Having a blog devoted to God is my daily devotion. 

Dear Trinity,
Help me to keep you near my thought and in my actions. Help me make this blog worthy of you. Make sure that I am only speaking the truth. Help me to be happy and disciplined in devoting my time to you. Just help me be a good person and don't let me ... well ... just help me do a good job. 

Love you guys, Amen.